Facebook as a social networking website was founded by Mark Zuckerbeg and his roommate Eduardo saverin, the website which was initially limited to college students is now one of the largest social network.
As a student using facebook is not a bad idea, but over using it becomes a bad idea because you will not only loose your focus but also your concentration, too many young people today have lost the right path and they spend more years than expected in school, making them sit for examinations too many times.
As a student any thing that generates distraction is to be reduced to increase productivity and focus, though as a student distractions are bound to occur because of the events in school but most of these event gives you stories to tell about your schooling experiences.
facebook illustrating facebook users by age
The negative effect of facebook and other social network can be reduced and also avoided by
1. Focus
As a student focusing on your study is very much possible, I was talking to a student about focus and he made a comment saying that the 21st century is made up of distraction, as a student you can overcome this distractions if you set your mind on success and knowing that education is your right.2. Make a reading time table
Reading becomes fun when you make it part of you. If you are a student and reading is stressful because you are easily carried away by your phone beep sound when their is a social network notification, why don't you create a timetable and include also time to facebook and always remember to switch off or place your phone on silent whenever you are reading to avoid unwanted distraction.3. Be inquisitive
Always try to know why things are the way they are, are you the type who always sit in a classroom or lecture hall believing every thing a lecturer tells you, why don't you get up, fasten your sit belt and make your research and always remember you too can become a great mind.
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